S5 Micron Instructions
Thank you for buying the S5 micron camera. Entirely manufactured with CNC machinery, the S5 is a very innovative
camera of the latest generation, with technical solutions that makes it unique in the field of high resolution digital photography.
All the controls are micrometric to ease the focusing on the reduced format of the digital sensor.
Some of the solutions are unique; especially in the use of short and extremely short focal lenses allowing tilt, swing and
shift movements inconceivable until today. In fact the constructive solutions of the S5 allow the standards to be in very
close contact, the use of soft or hybrid bellows and the recessed lens boards amplify this characteristic to a point which
no other view camera can boast. Although the S5 micron has been projected for digital photography, its performances
show also in analogue photography in the basic 6x9 format where its precision and sturdiness reveal to be even
Let's see what the S5 looks like when delivered to you:
The S5 camera travels safely in its ABS case which in turn is placed inside a cardboard box.
Inside the case the S5 micron, the camera body and standard bellow in the basic configuration, is protected by
a moulded insert, the warranty and these instructions.
Camera Assembly :
The camera assembly can be made laying the
camera on a table (the base is large enough to ensure
a good support), even if the use of an appropriate tripod
is certainly suggestable. For this purpose the S5 has in
its base the two classic fastener threads 1/4" and 1/8".
Take care to screw in depth the screw inside the camera
base before actioning the locking nut to avoid damages
to the thread.
Now open the 4 levers (1) on the back standard
and insert the bellow in its place, then close the levers
until blocking the bellow; now open the 4 levers (1) on
the front standard and repeat the same operation until
the blocking of the bellow.
Mount the back plate with the standard Silvestri
4 points attachment in the back standard by using the
4 levers as explained at point 2, the plate has to be
positioned with the two reference red dots one to the
top and the other to the right. Sliding Back Adapters
and format backs for analogue photography fit on this
plate, aline the four red dots to find the position of
How to mount components on the standards:
By mean of the 4 levers placed on each side of the standards, it is
possible to simply interchange the various components of the S5
micron camera. Open the levers, insert the lens board and close the
levers; the lens board is locked in place. The system is substantially
the same for the three main components: Backs, Lenses and Bellows.
Precautions in the mounting and the handling:
a) Lenses; when mounting them in the camera body, extend the view camera to avoid the lens rear element from hitting
against the back.
As a general precaution, keep the lenses well protected with their caps, to avoid scratches and abrasions on the lenses
and at the same time to keep them clean and perfectly working. The dry dust must be removed by brushes or sprays
specific for this purpose and free of greasy components. The greasness of hands degrade the image and they must
be removed completely with appropriate products. Moreover the lenses must not suffer impacts, falls or anything else
could cause damages to the mechanical elements. Do not dismantle the lens, as they often include small shims inserted
by the manufacturer that could get lost.
b) Sliding adapters; These components fit the standard Silvestri 4 points attachments by a 8° clockwise movement, the red
dots indicate the entering position. During the manipulation and mounting avoid touching the focusing screen and the
fresnel lens, these elements are particularly delicate and can be easily damaged; when cleaning them, do not use strong
solvent substances like alcohol, diluent, acetone, etc. but specific products.
These precautions must also be taken for every part containing lenses and mirrors or other similar elements. Do not
keep the camera and its accessories in damp rooms or in high heat. this could cause damages and a fast degrade in
the general functions of the equipment.
Focusing and fast extensioning of the rails:
a) S5 micron have two separate knobs for focusing, one activate the front group, the
other activate the rear group; both of them have a micrometric movement and
the locking system. The utility of the two independent focusing systems becomes
evident when working in close-up still life photography, where the use of frontal
adjustment produces enlargment variation and the rear one the focusing adjustment.
The fast extensioning of the rails is made by pushing the unlock button (2); on
the front or back side depending on the side you want to extend.
The system has various determined auto - locking positions.
3 - Rise movement
4 - Side shift
5 - Rotation on the vertical axis
5a - Rotation lock
6 - Rotation on the horizontal axis
7 - Focus adjustment on the front body and on the rear body
8 - Locking system for the focus adjustment
9 - Unlock button for fast extension of the rails
Technical information
Direct rise; 30mm upwards - 30mm downwards in total (front + rear). (3)
Total side shift; 30mm to the right + 30mm to the left (front + rear). (4)
Swing and Tilt movements:
- Rotation on the vertical axis: more than 15° right plus 15° left in each group. (5)
- Rotation on the horizontal axis: more than 15° plus more than 15° on each group. (6)
- Minimum distance between the standards = 0 mm (7)
- Maximum distance between the standards =200mm (7)
- Lens fitting: Silvestri/S5 lens board, Silvestri bayonet.
- Back fitting system: Silvestri/S5 board, board with standard 4 points rapid attachment.
- Dimension height 330mm , Large 210mm , Depth 210 (Compact)
- Weight Kg. 4
Via Della Gora 13/5 - 50025 Montespertoli FI, Italy
Tel +39.0571.675049 Fax +39.0571.675919
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